Sunday, February 14, 2010

Travel Consent Lrttrt Do I Need A Letter Of Consent To Travel Internationally Even Though I'm 17 And A Half Years Old Now?

Do I need a letter of consent to travel internationally even though I'm 17 and a half years old now? - travel consent lrttrt

Am I obligated to pay all fees ($ 30) for registration at the airport with a letter of consent from one of my biological parents and imprisonment at the time of my journey in another country vacation? I'm going with my older sister, who only 19 years. This is the first time, they travel so please help. Thank you!


winterso... said...

It really depends on which airline has and what are the laws in this country is for you. I'm 16 and from Africa. I take the U.S. airlines and do not need written consent. I have to pay anything extra either. And if I needed help to reach my goal. It would be someone who reminds me of the door and waited for the next airport. It costs about $ 80 and are primarily for people with disabilities. So, I was. I'ts also the first time alone on a. If you (go to Europe not of asbestos), you will need a vise of Europe, which I just discovered 2 weeks. I want to surf only at the airport and on the Internet, to give further information about the rules for airlines. Good luck!

cuddles said...


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