Sunday, January 31, 2010

Keepsake Poems And Quotes Out Of These 5 Poems And Quotes, Which One Do You Like The Best?

Out of these 5 poems and quotes, which one do you like the best? - keepsake poems and quotes

One of the most tragic things I know
human nature is that all tend to delay
of life. We dream of a magical rose garden
Horizon enjoy, instead of the roses
blooming outside our windows today.
-Dale Carnegie

As the heat of gold is brighter;
Thus, the length of friendship lights
-Thomas Carlyle

He drew a circle that shut me
Heretics, rebels,
set aside.
But the love was intelligent and
to win;
We drew a circle that took him in.
Edwin Markham

Finish each day and be done with it. Ha
done what she could. Some errors and ab --
Deafness probably soon slipped password
as you can. Tomorrow is another day, from
good and quiet and with too high a spirit
Which are crowded with old nonsense. This
Day is everything good and right. It's too expensive
with its hopes and invitations, WASte A mo --
cation in the yesterday.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Life is a gift that must be in every day
Not suffocate and hidden
One thing that is stored in
In response to reminders
and the best treasure.
It is a pleasure to be drunk and now
And to quickly return to a dark place
Place again.
Life is a gift that the lowest
can boast.
Night life and live each hour
Use it and as much as you use
Do you think it is not in niches and crannies
and grooves,
You can find this service to your beauty
-Edgar A. Guest


Jessmome... said...

One of the most tragic things I know
human nature is that all tend to delay
of life. We dream of a magical rose garden
Horizon enjoy, instead of the roses
blooming outside our windows today.
-Dale Carnegie

For me it is the most important event of five to me!

abnatra said...

One of the most tragic things I know
human nature is that all tend to delay
of life. We dream of a magical rose garden
Horizon enjoy, instead of the roses
blooming outside our windows today.

It is my favorite, so true.

Koskimo said...

I think for the implementation of this show for the people out there, you made a difference. As a small or large, they have left their mark on someone! Why not say simply that I was five, and refuse to pick ....... but I would also say (without intention, like a kiss axx), the best was the real question you submitted. He has people to read them all. Good show!

I <3 JACOB BLACK said...

Life is a gift that must be in every day
Not suffocate and hidden
One thing that is stored in
In response to reminders
and the best treasure.
It is a pleasure to be drunk and now
And to quickly return to a dark place
Place again.
Life is a gift that the lowest
can boast.
Night life and live each hour
Use it and as much as you use
Do you think it is not in niches and crannies
and grooves,
You can find this service to your beauty
-Edgar A. Guest

... I think the poem that most people can identify with and very true.

irish1 said...

I like the quote by Emerson - is good advice, how many people are losing their current home in the past.

nyadasta... said...

I ♥ the first and last ... But if I choose to 1 ... Be the first ... best wishes ♥

concerne... said...

Dale Carnegie. I totally relate to your vision.

~~kayla... said...

The Dale Carnegie, and Ralph Waldo Emerson.

I like both, is as follows:

Every morning when I opened my eyes to say, I
"I do not about the events that have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose what will be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow has not arrived yet. I just had a day today and I'm glad in him "
- Groucho Marx (his name is a bit contradictory. Lol)
______________________________________ ...
"If Tomorrow Never Comes"

If I knew this would be looked at for the last time, as I fall asleep
I slept harder and ask the Lord can keep.
If I knew that I was the last time you see on the door
I want to give you a hug and kiss and call you back for more
If I knew this would be the last time I heard his voice raised in praise
I video tape each action and, worse, that I will ever again play days.
If I knew this would be the last time you could say I love you
I would be an extra free minuteor two, and say "I love you" instead of assuming that you know,
If I knew this would be the last time you are there to their shares days
Well, I'm sure it will be more than many, so you can leave this
For surely there is still a tomorrow, a mistake
And there's always a second chance to do well
There will always be another day to say our "I love you"
And surely there is a chance to say our "I can do anthing?
But only if I could be wrong, and today is all I get
I want to say how much I love you and hope that you will never forget
Tomorrow is not for everyone, whether young or old guaranteed
And today could be your last chance to hold your loved ones come close
So if you wait for tomorrow, why not now?
For if tomorrow comes, be sorry days
Who needs to give time for a smile, a hug or a kiss
And you were busy with someone, how is it turned out to be granted his last wish
Then hold the breath in my ear close to closing day
Say what you like and that you always love you
Take some time to say "sorry", "Please forgive me" or "ok"
And when tomorrow comes, you have no regrets about today
______________________________________ ...
As I wrote: "If Tomorrow Never Comes", I have tears in my eyes, because it's true! Also I am about my life and given people around me guilty, because really anything can happen.

Natalye said...

I loved the first, fourth and last of the best

classic_... said...

I loved the first and last.

JenJen said...

Emerson is my favorite of them.

sydney said...

Ralph Waldo Emerson, but I have a soft spot for .... How do you feel encouraged to start each day anew

Hannah Montana said...

I think the latter is best if I were you, I write every day because the letter makes perfect. Keep up the good work. Simply write long poems, like the last time, "he wrote. which was by Edgar A. Guest

lisa o said...

I liked this one

Life is a gift that must be in every day
Not suffocate and hidden
One thing that is stored in
In response to reminders
and the best treasure.
It is a pleasure to be drunk and now
And to quickly return to a dark place
Place again.
Life is a gift that the lowest
can boast.
Night life and live each hour
Use it and as much as you use
Do you think it is not in niches and crannies
and grooves,
You can find this service to your beauty

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